新西兰奥塔戈大学 博士
美国南加州大学 海洋环境生物学 硕士
中国海洋大学 海洋化学 硕士
中国海洋大学 海洋化学 学士
2021 至今 上海交通大学海洋学院 副教授
2017-2021 天津科技大学海洋与环境学院 副教授, 海洋科学系副主任
2015-2017 天津科技大学海洋与环境学院 讲师("海河学者培育计划")
2023-2026 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(42276093,气候变化下海洋颗石藻对升温及温度波动变化的适应机制)
2019-2022 主持天津市自然科学基金面上项目(19JCYBJC22900,天津市近岸海域硅藻固碳对CO2 及温度变化的响应及机制)
2018-2019 主持天津市科委留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(JH-20180070802,天津市近岸海域浮游植物对海洋酸化和富营养化的响应)
2017- 2021 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(41676160,全球变化下海洋颗石藻的生理响应机制研究)
2014-2016 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41306118, 酸化及暖化对中国近海颗石藻光合钙化作用及群落结构的影响研究)
2017- 2019 主持天津市教委科研项目(2017KJ014,海洋酸化与升温对天津市近岸海域浮游植物生理生态学指标的影响)
2013-2017 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目(41276124, 印度洋浮游植物功能群初级生产调控因子与碳输出效率研究)
2012-2016 参加国家自然科学基金面上项目(41176136, 海洋硅藻的硅质化过程及相关中国海碳汇研究)
2011-2014 参加新西兰 Marsden 基金项目 09-UOO-175 (海洋酸化:钙化生物只是冰山一角, 负责其中颗石藻的相关研究)
2008-2011 参加国家973项目(中国近海碳收支,调控机理及生态效应)
2007-2008 参加美国国家自然科学基金大西洋马尾藻海区(Sargasso Sea)蓝藻调查与现场培养研究
2005-2006 参加美国自然科学基金项目CORSACS(南极罗斯海区浮游植物群落的调控机理)
2004-2005 参加美国自然科学基金项目 NASB (北大西洋春季水华浮游植物群落的研究)
学术论文:(ResearcherID K-5983-2012)(*标记通讯作者)
• Ye, J., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Hussain, S., Chen, S., Zhou,X.,Hou,S., Feng, Y.* (2024) Phagocytosis in Marine Coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa huxleyi: Comparison between Calcified and Non-Calcified Strains. Biology 13, 5: 310. doi:10.3390/biology13050310
• Wang, J., Zeng, C., Feng, Y.* (2024) Meta-analysis reveals responses of coccolithophores and diatoms to warming. Marine Environmental Research, 193:106275. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106275
• Wu, F., Guo, J., Duan, H., Li, T., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Feng, Y.* (2023) Ocean acidification affects the response of the coastal coccolithophore Pleurochrysis carterae to irradiance. Biology. 12(9):1249. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology12091249
• Feng, Y.*, Hou, S.*, Roleda, M.Y., Fu, F.-X. (2022) Editorial: Responses of marine microbes to multiple environmental drivers of global change: The interplay of abiotic and biotic factors. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:975841. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.975841
• Cai, T., Feng, Y.*, Wang, Y., Li, T., Wang, J., Li, W., Zhou, W. (2022) The differential responses of coastal diatoms to ocean acidification and warming: A comparison between Thalassiosira sp. and Nitzschia closterium f.minutissima. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:851149. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.851149
• Feng, Y.*, Chai, F., Wells, M.L., Liao, Y., Li, P., Cai, T., Zhao, T., Fu, F.X., Hutchins, D.A. (2021) The combined effects of increased pCO2 and warming on a coastal phytoplankton assemblage: from species composition to sinking rate. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:622319. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.622319
• Feng, Y. *, Roleda, M.Y., Armstrong, E.A., Summerfield, T., Law, C.S., Hurd, C.L., Boyd, P.W. (2020) Effects of multiple drivers of global ocean change on the physiology and functional gene expression of marine coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, Global Change Biology, 26(10): 5630-5645. doi:10.1111/gcb.15259
• Feng, Y. *, Roleda, M.Y., Armstrong, E.A., Law, C.S., Boyd, P.W., Hurd, C.L. (2018) Environmental controls on the elemental composition of a Southern Hemisphere strain of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Biogeosciences, 15: 581-595. doi:10.5194/bg-15-581-2018
• Feng, Y. *, Roleda, M.Y., Armstrong, E.A., Boyd, P.W., Hurd, C.L. (2017) Environmental controls on the growth, photosynthetic and calcification rates of a Southern Hemisphere strain of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography, 62: 519-540. doi: 10.1002/lno.10442
• Bermúdez, R. *, Feng, Y.#(共同第一作者), Roleda, M.Y., Tatters, A.O., Hutchins, D.A., Larsen, T., Boyd, P.W., Hurd, C.L., Riebesell, U., Winder, M. (2015) Long-term conditioning to elevated pCO2 and warming influences the fatty and amino acid composition of the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis. PLoS ONE, 10 (5): e0123945. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123945
• Feng, Y., Hare, C.E., Rose, J.M., Handy, S.M., DiTullio, G.R., Lee, P.A., Smith, W.O., Jr., Peloquin, J., Tozzi, S., Sun, J., Zhang, Y., Dunbar, R.B., Long, M.C., Sohst, B., Lohanm, M., Hutchins, D.A.* (2010) Interactive effects of iron, irradiance and CO2 on Ross Sea phytoplankton. Deep Sea Research I, 57:368-383.
• Feng, Y., Hare, C.E., Leblanc, K., Rose, J.M., Zhang, Y., DiTullio, G.R., Lee, P.A., Wilhelm, S.W., Rowe, J.M., Sun, J., Nemcek, N., Gueguen, C., Passow, U., Benner, I., Brown, C., Hutchins, D.A. * (2009) Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom: I. The phytoplankton Community and Biogeochemical Response. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 388: 13-25.
• Feng, Y., Warner, M.E., Zhang, Y., Sun, J., Fu, F.-X., Hutchins, D.A. * (2008) Interactive effects of increased pCO2, temperature and irradiance on the marine coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 43(1): 87-98.
• 李童童,冯媛媛*,王建才,蔡婷,王雅婻,宋书群,白有成. (2023) 浮游植物种群对海洋酸化和光照强度变化的响应:以长江口南毗邻海域为例. 海洋科学进展,41(4): 673-687. doi: 10.12362/j.issn.1671-6647.20221011001
• 王雅婻,冯媛媛*,蔡婷,李童童,白有成. (2023) 颗石藻Emiliania huxleyi对升温和温度波动响应的株间效应. 海洋与湖沼, 54(1): 98-112. doi: 10.11693/hyhz20220500122
• 蔡婷,冯媛媛*. (2022) 天津市近岸浮游植物对海洋酸化和硝酸盐加富的响应. 海洋科学, 46(9): 85-97. doi: 10.11759/hykx20200820002
• 郭佳,冯媛媛*,侯丹丹,李美琪. (2021) 钙化与非钙化株系颗石藻Emiliania huxleyi胞内元素组成对氮限制的响应比较. 天津科技大学学报, 36(6): 22-28. doi: 10.13364/j.issn.1672-6510.20210117
• 冯媛媛*,王建才,蔡婷. (2021) 海洋酸化与升温对浮游植物种群的影响研究综述. 天津科技大学学报, doi:10.13364/j.issn.1672-6510.20210073
• 冯媛媛*,席茂年. (2020) 全球气候变化下的海洋颗石藻生理生态学响应研究进展. 海洋环境科学, 39(6): 945-952. doi: 10.12111/j.mes.20190231
• 廖晏,冯媛媛*,刘瑶,李文学,李敬鸿,倪红东,石文婷. (2019) 氮限制和海洋酸化对颗石藻Emiliania huxleyi NIWA1108生理指标的交互影响. 天津科技大学学报, 34(4): 56-62.
• 冯媛媛*,等. (2004) 海水中铁的测定方法. 海洋科学, 28(1): 71-75.
• Zhu, Y., Hughes, D. J., Feng, Y., Browning, T. J., Du, P., Meng, Q., et al. (2024). Assessing phytoplankton primary productivity variability in the Changjiang estuary, East China Sea from coupled Fast Repetition Rate (FRR) fluorometry and Chlorophyll-a measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2023JG007709
• Webb, E.A., Held, N.A., Zhao, Y., Graham, E.D., Conover, A.E., Semones, J., Lee, M.D., Feng, Y., Fu, F.-X., Saito., M.A., Hutchins, D.A. Importance of mobile genetic element immunity in numerically abundant Trichodesmium clades. ISME COMMUN. 3, 15 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43705-023-00214-y
• Zhu, Y.*, Feng, Y., Browning, T. J., Wen, Z., Hughes, D. J., Hao, Q., Zhang, R., Meng, Q., Wells, M.L., Jiang, Z., Dissanayake, P., Priyadarshani, W., Shou, L., Zeng, J., Chai, F. (2022) Exploring variability of Trichodesmium photophysiology using multi-excitation wavelength fast repetition rate fluorometry. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:813573. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.813573
• Daniels, C.J., Poulton, A.J., Balch, W.M., Maranon, E., Adey, T., Bowler, B.C., Cermeno, P., Charalampopoulou, A., Crawford, D.W., Drapeau, D., Feng, Y., et al. (2018) A global compilation of coccolithophore calcification rates. Earth System Science Data, 10: 1859-1876.
• Li, X., Feng, Y., Leng, X., Liu, H., Sun, J. (2017) Phytoplankton species composition of four ecological provinces in Yellow Sea, China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 16(6): 1115-1125.
• Zhang, G., Leng, X., Feng, Y., Li, X., Sun, J. (2017) Skeletonema cf. costatum biogenic silica production rate determinated by PDMPO method. Journal of Ocean University of China, doi: 10.1007/s11802-017-2899-2.
• Boyd, P.W. *, Dillingham, P.W., McGraw, C.M., Armstrong, E.A., Cornwall, C.E., Feng, Y., Hurd, C.L., Gault-Ringold, M., Roleda, M.Y. Timmins-Schiffman, E., Nunn, B. L. (2016) Physiological responses of a Southern Ocean diatom to complex future ocean conditions. Nature Climate Change, 6: 207-213.
• Roleda, M.Y. *, Cornwall, C.E., Feng, Y., McGraw, C.M., Smith, A.M. and Hurd, C.L., (2015) Effect of ocean acidification and pH fluctuations on the growth and development of coralline algal recruits, and an associated benthic algal assemblage. PloS ONE, 10(10), p.e0140394.
• Guo, S.J., Sun, J., Zhao, Q.B., Feng, Y., Huang, D.J., Liu, S.M. (2016) Sinking rates of phytoplankton in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary: A comparative study between Prorocentrum dentatum and Skeletonema dorhnii bloom. Journal of Marine Systems, 154: 5-14.
• Zhang, S., Leng, X., Feng, Y., et al. (2016) Ecological provinces of spring phytoplankton in the Yellow Sea: species composition. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(8): 114-125.
• Liu, H., Xue, B., Feng, Y., Zhang, R., Chen, M., Sun, J. (2016) Size-fractionated Chlorophyll a biomass in the northern South China Sea in summer 2014. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 34(4): 672-682.
• Guo, S.J., Feng, Y., Wang, L., Dai, M.H., Liu, Z.L., Bai, Y., Sun, J. (2014) Seasonal variation in the phytoplankton of a continental-shelf sea: the East China Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 516:103-126.
• Sun, J.*, Gu, X.Y., Feng, Y., Jin, S. F., Jiang, W.S., Jin, H.Y., Chen, J.F. (2014) Summer and winter living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Biogeosciences. 11(3): 779-806.
• Bai, J., Gu, X.Y., Feng, Y., Jiang W.S., Jin, H.Y., Chen J.F., Sun, J.* (2014) Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 33(8): 83-94.
• Sun, J.*, Feng Y., Wang, D., Wu, Y. (2013) Bottom-up control of phytoplankton growth in spring blooms in Central Yellow Sea, China. Deep-Sea Research II, 97: 51-60.
• Sun, J.*, Feng, Y., Zhou, F., Song S., Jiang, Y., Ding, C. (2013) Top-down control of spring surface phytoplankton blooms by microzooplankton in the Central Yellow Sea, China. Deep-Sea Research II, 97: 61-71.
• Sun, J., Hutchins, D.A.*, Feng, Y., Seubert, E.L., Caron, D., Fu, F.-X. (2011) Effects of changing pCO2 and phosphate availability on toxin production and physiology of the marine harmful bloom diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(3): 829- 840.
• Beman, J.M. *, Chow, C.-E., King, A.L., Feng, Y., Fuhrman, J.A., Andersson, A., Bates, N.R., Popp, B.N., Hutchins, D.A. (2011) Global declines in marine nitrification rates as a consequence of ocean acidification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(1): 208- 213, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1011053108
• Rose, J.M., Feng, Y., Ditullio, G.R., Dunbar, R.B., Hare, C.E., Lee, P.A., Lohan, M., Long, M.C., Smith, W.O., Sohst, B., Tozzi. S., Zhang, Y., Hutchins, D.A. * (2009) Synergistic effects of iron and temperature on Antarctic phytoplankton assemblages. Biogeosciences, 6, 3131-3147, doi:10.5194/bg-6-3131-2009.
• Rose, J.M. *, Feng, Y., Gobler, C.J., et al. (2009) The effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. II. Microzooplankton dynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 388: 27-40.
• Lee, P.A., Rudisill, J.R., Neeley, A.R., Hutchins, D.A., Feng, Y., Hare, C.E., Leblanc, K., DiTullio, G.R. * (2009) Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. III. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 388: 41-49.
• Leblanc, K.*, Hare, C.E., Feng, Y., Berg, G.M., DiTullio, G.R., Neeley, A., Benner, I., Sprengel, C., Beck, A. Sanudo-Wilhelmy, S., Passow, U., Klinck, K., Rowe, J.M., Wilhelm, S.W., Brown, C.W., Hutchins, D.A. (2009) Distribution of calcifying and silicifying phytoplankton in relation to environmental and biogeochemical parameters during the late stages of the 2005 North East Atlantic Spring Bloom. Biogeosciences. 6: 2155-2179, doi:10.5194/bg-6-2155-2009
• Fu, F-X., Zhang, Y., Warner, M.E., Feng, Y., Sun, J., Hutchins, D.A.* (2007) A comparison of future increased CO2 and temperature effects on sympatric Heterosigma akashiwo and Prorocentrum minimum. Harmful Algae, doi:10.1016/j.hal.2007.05.006
• Sun, J., Feng, Y., Zhang, Y., Hutchins, D.A.* (2007) Fast microzooplankton grazing on fast-growing, low-biomass phytoplankton - A case study in spring in the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Inland Bays and the Delaware Bay. Hydrobiologia, 89: 127-139.
• Hutchins, D.A. *, Fu, F.-X., Zhang, Y., Warner, M.E., Feng, Y., Portune, K., Bernhardt, P.W., M.R. Mulholland. (2007) CO2 control of Trichodesmium N2 fixation, photosynthesis, growth rates, and elemental ratios: Implications for past, present, and future ocean biogeochemistry. Limnology and Oceanography, 52: 1293-1304.
• Fu, F.-X., Warner, M.E., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y., Hutchins, D.A. * (2007) Effects of increased temperature and CO2 on photosynthesis, growth and elemental ratios in marine Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus (Cyanobacteria). Journal of Phycology, 43: 485-496.
• Fu, F.-X., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y., Hutchins, D.A. * (2006) Phosphate and ATP uptake and growth kinetics in axenic cultures of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus CCMP1334. European Journal of Phycology, 41:15-28.
• 《南极罗斯海生态系统》,副主编,周朦、罗玮主编,科学出版社,2024年6月
• 冯媛媛,Feixue Fu,David Hutchins,海水洁净培养技术,《水域环境生理学研究方法》第七章第七节,高坤山主编,科学出版社,2018年9月
• Yuanyuan Feng, Feixue Fu, David Hutchins. Trace Metal Clean Culture Techniques. In Research Methods of Environmental Physiology in Aquatic Sciences, Kunshan Gao, David Hutchins, John Beardall (eds.). Springer, January 2021. pp. 303-315.
冯媛媛,郭佳,席茂年. 便携式船载连续培养装置, ZL 2018 2 2136998.4已授权(2019年10月1日,实用新型)
期刊Frontiers in Marine Science 副主编(未来海洋及全球变化方向)
期刊Frontiers in Microbiology 客座副主编(水生微生物学方向)
期刊审稿人:Nature Ecology & Evolution, ISME Journal, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, Earth's Future, G-Cubes, Biogeosciences, PloS-ONE, Journal of Phycology, Journal of Ocean University of China, Journal of Plankton Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, Advances in Polar Science, Marine Life Science & Technology, 《海洋与湖沼》
2020 入选天津市党外代表人士队伍建设十百千工程
2019 入选天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才培养计划”
2017 入选自然资源部第二海洋研究所国重室“青年访问海星学者”
2017 入选天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第二层次
2015 入选天津科技大学“海河学者培育计划”
2014 Gordon学术会议青年科学家资助奖金