  • 简介
  • 教育背景


  • 研究方向


  • 工作经历


  • 科研项目


  • 论文专著

    Zhong, Y., Yu, C.*, Xiang, X., & Lian, L. Dynamics identification-driven diving control for unmanned underwater vehicles. Journal of Field Robotics,
    Zhong, Y., Yu, C.*, Bai, Y., Zeng, Z., & Lian, L. (2024). Diving dynamics identification and motion prediction for marine crafts using field data. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 9(4), 391-400.
    Zhong, Y., Yu, C.*, Xiang, X., & Lian, L. (2024). Proximal policy-optimized regularized least squares algorithm for noise-resilient motion prediction of UMVs. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 49(4), 1397-1410.
    Pei, T., Yu, C.*, Zhong, Y., Lian, L., & Xiang, X. (2023). A self-error corrector integrating K-means clustering with Markov model for marine craft maneuvering prediction with experimental verification. Ocean Engineering, 285(2), 115420.
    Pei, T., Yu, C.*, Zhong, Y., & Lian, L. (2023). Adaptive event-triggered mechanism-based online system identification framework for marine craft. Ocean Engineering, 278, 114572.
    Zhong, Y., Yu, C.*, Wang, R., Pei, T., & Lian, L. (2023). Adaptive anti-noise least-squares algorithm for parameter identification of unmanned marine vehicles: Theory, simulation, and experiment. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 25(1), 369-381.
    Yu, C., & Wilson, P. A. (2023). Lumped hydrodynamics identification-based cascade control for vertical-plane tracking of a fin-driven autonomous underwater vehicle. Ocean Engineering, 286, 115557.

    Guo, Y., Yu, C.*, Xiang, X., Liu, C., & Lian, L. Path following control of an underactuated AUV: A prescribed performance and tunable prescribed time-based approach. Nonlinear Dynamics,
    Guo, Y., Yu, C.*, Xiang, X., & Lian, L. (2024). PELOS-based path following control for autonomous underwater vehicle with input saturation and dead-zone. Ocean Engineering, 296, 116956.
    Shen, K., Yu, C., Guo, Y., Zhong, Y., Cao, J., Xiang, X., & Lian, L. (2024). Hybrid-tracked finite-time path following control of underactuated underwater vehicles with 6-DOF. Ocean Engineering, 312, 119023.
    Yu, C., Liu, C., Xiang, X., Zeng, Z., Wei, Z., & Lian, L. (2020). Line-of-sight guided time delay control for three-dimensional coupled path following of underactuated underwater vehicles with roll dynamics. Ocean Engineering, 207, 107410.
    Yu, C., Liu, C., Lian, L.*, Xiang, X., & Zeng, Z. (2019). ELOS-based path following control for underactuated surface vehicles with actuator dynamics. Ocean Engineering, 187, 106139.
    Yu, C., Xiang, X., Lapierre, L., & Zhang, Q. (2017). Nonlinear guidance and fuzzy control for three-dimensional path following of an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle. Ocean Engineering, 146, 457-467.

    Yu, C., Zhong, Y., Lian, L.*, & Xiang, X.* (2023). Adaptive simplified surge-heading tracking control for underwater vehicles with thruster's dead-zone compensation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 111(14), 13073-13088.
    Li, M., Yu, C.*, Zhang, X., Liu, C., & Lian, L. (2023). Fuzzy adaptive trajectory tracking control of work-class ROVs considering thruster dynamics. Ocean Engineering, 267, 113232.
    Zhong, Y., Yu, C.*, Wang, R., Liu, C., & Lian, L. (2022). Adaptive depth tracking of underwater vehicles considering actuator saturation: Theory, simulation and experiment. Ocean Engineering, 265, 112517.
    Yu, C., Zhong, Y., Lian, L.*, & Xiang, X. (2021). An experimental study of adaptive bounded depth control for underwater vehicles subject to thruster's dead-zone and saturation. Applied Ocean Research, 117, 102947.
    Yu, C., Xiang, X.*, Wilson, P. A., & Zhang, Q. (2020). Guidance-error-based robust fuzzy adaptive control for bottom following of a flight-style AUV with saturated actuator dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 50(5), 1887-1899.
    Yu, C., Xiang, X., Maurelli, F., Zhang, Q., Zhao, R., & Xu, G. (2019). Onboard system of hybrid underwater robotic vehicles: Integrated software architecture and control algorithm. Ocean Engineering, 187, 106121.
    Yu, C., Xiang, X.*, Lapierre, L., & Zhang, Q. (2018). Robust magnetic tracking of subsea cable by AUV in the presence of sensor noise and ocean currents. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 43(2), 311-322.
    Yu, C., Xiang, X., Zhang, Q., & Xu, G. (2018). Adaptive fuzzy trajectory tracking control of an under-actuated autonomous underwater vehicle subject to actuator saturation. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20, 269-279.

  • 教学工作





  • 软件及专利

    ZL 202211012157.7,潜水器运动轨迹修复方法及系统





  • 学术兼职

    2024/05-今,Member of the Youth Editorial Board of China Ocean Engineering
    2022/02-今,Review Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI

  • 荣誉奖励






