PhD, Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan
MS, Resource and Ecology Management, University of Michigan
BS, Environmental Science, University of Science and Technology of China
课题组招收 ( 不限于 ) 统计、计算机、海洋、 大气 、环境、生态等专业背景博士后、博士生、硕士生和科研助理。此外,课题组欢迎优秀的高中生、本科生和实习生。欢迎邮件联系!
Postdoctoral, grduate student, undegraduate student and research assistant are extremely welcome to join our group.
Oceanic Oxygen, Eutrophication, Climate Change,Statistics and Geostatistics
美国斯坦福卡耐基科学研究所,博士后研究员(2014/3 –2015/2)
美国密西根大学,博士后研究员(2013/2 –2015/3)
Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University(2019/5-)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2015/4-2019/4)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford (2014/3 –2015/2)
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Michigan (2013/2 –2015/3)
2023-2026 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42276201),基于多源观测数据融合估计海洋最小含氧带体积及不确定度,主持
2023-2025 国家自然科学基金专项项目《面向碳中和实现路径的自然-社会系统多尺度模式耦合关键理论和技术预研究》培育项目(42341201),碳中和约束下海洋复合极端灾害事件的高时空分辨率格点数据的构建,主持
2023-2024 上海交通大学“深蓝计划”面上项目(SL2022PT204),海洋最小含氧带在垂直方向上的区域变化特征和机制,主持
2023-2028 国家重点研发计划项目(2023YFF0805004),西北太平洋生物碳泵的氮磷铁调控及演变趋势,参与
2018-2020 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(11701485) ,模拟城市季节性大气污染空间分布机制的方法及其验证-以厦漳泉城市群为例,主持(已结题)
2017-2020 科技部国家重点研发计划“战略性国际科技创新合作”重点专项“‘一带一路’沿线国家海洋赤潮与低氧等生态灾害的发生机制与早期预警和应急保障系统的关键技术研究” (2016YFE0202100),参与(已结题)
论文(* 通讯作者):
Yu, X., Z. W, R. Jiang, J. Yang, Z. Cao, H. Hong, Y. Zhou*, D. Shi* (2024). Assessing N2 fixation flux and its controlling factors in the (sub)tropical western North Pacific through high-resolution observations. Limnology and Oceanography Letters,
Lu, B., Z. Zhao, L. Han, X. Gan*, Y. Zhou, L. Zhou, L. Fu, X. Wang, C. Zhou, J. Zhang, OxyGenerator: Reconstructing Global Ocean Deoxygenation Over a Century with Deep Learning[ International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024. (CCF-A),
Wang, Y., Y. Zhou*, (2024) Seasonal Dynamics of Global Marine Heatwaves over the Last Four Decades. Frontiers in Marine Science,
Wei, W., Y. Han, Y. Zhou*. (2023). Nutrients and sea surface temperature drive harmful algal blooms in China’s coastal waters over the past decades. Environmental Research Letters,
Han, Y., Y. Zhou*. (2022). Investigating biophysical control of marine phytoplankton dynamics via Bayesian mechanistic modeling. Ecological Modelling,
Zhou Y.*, H. Gong, F. Zhou (2022) Responses of horizontally expanding oceanic oxygen minimum zones to climate change based on observations, Geophysical Research Letters,
Gong H., C. Li, Y. Zhou* (2021) Emerging global ocean deoxygenation across the 21st century, Geophysical Research Letters,48, e2021GL095370., AGU news featured,
Wei W., Y. Fang, Y. Zhou* (2021) Synoptic and meteorological drivers of regional ozone pollution events in China, Environmental Research Communications,
龚红静,周韫韬*. 生物量和生物多样性如何响应气候变化下的海洋缺氧?[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2021, 55(Sup.1): 76-78.
Zhou Y.*, H. Gong, P. Fan, N. Li, L. Gu (2021) Monthly analyses of convection-related irregular flights and their linear projections for the future climate in China, Environmental Research Letters,
Zhou Y.*, W. Yan, W. Wei, (2021) Effect of sea surface temperature and precipitation on annual frequency of harmful algal blooms in the East China Sea over the past decades, Environmental Pollution,
Zhang N., Y. Zhou*, (2019) Climate-driven changes in CO2 emissions associated with residential heating and cooling demand by end-century in China. Environmental Research Letters. 14(8)
Zhou, Y.*, N. Zhang, C. Li, Y. Liu, P. Huang (2018) Decreased Takeoff Performance of Aircraft Due to Climate Change. Climatic Change, 151
D. D. Giudicea* , Y. Zhou*, E. Sinha and A. M. Michalak. (2018) Long-term phosphorus loading and springtime temperatures explain interannual variability of hypoxia in a large temperate lake. Environmental Science & Technology , 52 (4)
Zhou, Y., A. M. Michalak, D. Beletsky, Y.R. Rao, R.P. Richards. (2015) Record-breaking hypoxic extent in Lake Erie during 2012 drought. Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (2)
Scavia D., J. D. Allan, K. K. Arend, S. Bartell, D. Beletsky, N. S. Bosch, S. B. Brandt, R. D. Briland, I. Daloğlu, J. V. DePinto, D. M. Dolan, M. A. Evans, T. M. Farmer, D. Goto, H. Han, T. O. Höök, R. Knight, S. A. Ludsin, D. Mason, A. M. Michalak, R. P. Richards, J. J. Roberts, D. K. Rucinski, E. Rutherford, D. J. Schwab, T. M. Sesterhenn, H. Zhang, Y. Zhou, (2014) Assessing and addressing the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Central basin hypoxia. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40(2)
Zhou, Y.*, D. Scavia, A.M. Michalak. (2014) Nutrient Loading and Meteorological Conditions Explain Interannual Variability of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay. Limnology & Oceanography, 59 (2)
Zhou, Y.*, D. Obenour, D. Scavia, T. Johengen, A. M. Michalak. (2013) Spatial and Temporal Trend of Lake Erie Hypoxia: 1987-2007. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (2)
Obenour, D., A. M. Michalak, Y. Zhou, D. Scavia. (2012) Quantifying the Impacts of Stratification and Nutrient Loading on Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (10)
Zhou, Y., A.M. Michalak, (2009) Characterizing Attribute Distributions in Water Sediments by Geostatistical Downscaling. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (24)
本科生课程:MATLAB与海洋数据分析 (主讲)
研究生课程:学术写作、规范与伦理(主讲); 海洋政策与管理
期刊审稿:Geophysical Research Ltters, Earth System Science Data, Environmental Science & Technology;Limnology & Oceanography;Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans等。
基金评审:美国自然科学基金近海海洋科学部NOAA Coastal Hypoxia Research Program,国家自然科学基金,上海市自然科学基金