  • 简介
  • 教育背景

    2002: 华东师范大学化学系,学士;一等奖学金
    2007: 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室,博士;上海市优秀毕业生
    2005: 德国极地与海洋研究所,访问博士生

  • 研究方向




  • 工作经历

    2007-2010: 华东师范大学生物系,博士后
    2010-2013: 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室;助理研究员

  • 科研项目

    1. 基于溶解氧氧同位素来量化水柱和沉积物耗氧对低氧贡献的演替特征。2020-2023. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上基金项目
    2. 冰川融水对北极近海峡湾中惰性溶解有机碳积累的影响。2017-2020. 国家自然科学基金委员会 面上基金项目
    3. 贫营养/富营养河口中有机质的生物地球化学行为对比:以脂类和氨基酸对映体为例 2014-2015 科技部 中国-克罗地亚双边政府间科技合作项目
    4. A study on dissolved organic nitrogen in the Changjiang Estuary: begin with amino acids enantiomers. 2012-2014. International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden. 【国际科学基金(瑞典);类似国内面上项目】
    5. 低纬度小河流流域盆地新鲜有机质入海定量化研究. 2013-2015. 国家自然科学基金委员会 青年基金项目


     2011年5月东海陆架调查(973项目)船上首席科学家
     先后参加超过30次野外工作(包括大洋、近海河口、流域盆地、两极),野外总时间超过500天

  • 论文专著


    Wenyi Zhang, Yufan Wang, Futao Fang, Wan-E Zhuang, Liyang Yang*, Zhuoyi Zhu** (2024) Characterization of sediment organic matter  in the outer Yangtze River Estuary using stable isotopes, optical techniques, and FT-ICR-MS: Implications for the carbon burial mechanism. Water Research. accepted, in press

    Fang F-T, Zhu Z-Y*, Wenger F, Ge J-Z, Du J-Z, Deng B, Ma H-M, Zhang R-F, Zhang Y (2024) Short-term sedimentary evidence for increasing diatoms in Arctic fjords in a warming world. Science of The Total Environment 951: 175757. accepted, in press

    Li Y-Q, Fang F-T, Zeng C, Zhu Z-Y* (2024) Dissolved oxygen fluctuation alters dissolved organic carbon stability and can accumulate resistant fraction. Marine Chemistry: 104441. accepted, in press

    Zhang Z-H, Zhu Z-Y*, Hu H-T, Zhou J, Lin Z-Z, Zhou C-X (2024)  Quantifying sedimentary oxygen consumption contribution to total oxygen depletion in shallow waters via the oxygen isotope approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series 728:1-14.

    Zhu Z-Y*, Fang F-T, Hossen S, Zhao Y, Chen Z-Z, Zeng C, Zhou M (2023) Impact of wild fish faeces to deep sea dissolved organic carbon as revealed by laboratory incubations. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 200: 104148.
    Jiakang Li, Zhuoyi Zhu*, Zhifeng Yang, Weiyi Li, Yongxin Lv, Yu Zhang (2023) Soil microorganisms and methane emissions in response to short-term warming field incubation in Svalbard. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1276065
    Cao Y, Huang H*, Zhao X, Li J, Wang T, Lin J, Zhu Z-Y* (2023) Labile and refractory fractions of sedimentary organic carbon off the Changjiang Estuary and its implications for sedimentary oxygen consumption. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1096108

    Zhu, Z.-Y.*, 2022. Clarifying the fate of dissolved organic carbon in turbid glacier meltwater rivers in Svalbard via a series of incubations. Biogeochemistry. 159: 337-352
    Zhou, M., Fang, F.-T., Zeng, C., Zhang, L.-H., Zhou, C.-X., Zhu, Z.-Y.*, 2022. Community competition is the microorganism feedback to sedimentary carbon degradation process in aquaculture tidal flats. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 880120.
    Fang, F.-T., Zhu, Z.-Y.*, Ge, J.-Z., Deng, B., Du, J.-Z., Zhang, J., 2022. Reconstruction of the main phytoplankton population off the Changjiang Estuary in the East China Sea and its assemblage shift in recent decades: From observations to simulation. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113638.
    Yang L*, Chen Y, Lei J, Zhu Z* (2022) Effects of coastal aquaculture on sediment organic matter: Assessed with multiple spectral and isotopic indices. Water Research: 118951

    Zhu, Z.Y.*, Wang, J., Zhang, G.L., Liu, S.M., Zheng, S., Sun, X.X., Xu, D.F., Zhou, M., 2021. Using triple oxygen isotopes and oxygen-argon ratio to quantify ecosystem production in the mixed layer of northern South China Sea slope region. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 40, 1-15.
    Zhou, J., Zhu, Z.Y.*, Hu, H.T.*, Zhang, G.L., Wang, Q.Q., (2021)Clarifying water column respiration and sedimentary oxygen respiration under oxygen depletion off the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent East China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7,623581.
    Hao Y-Y, Zhu Z-Y*, Fang F-T, Novak T, Canković M, Hrustić E, Ljubešić Z, Li M, Du J-Z, Zhang R-F, Gašparović B (2021) Tracing Nutrients and Organic Matter Changes in Eutrophic Wenchang (China) and Oligotrophic Krka (Croatia) Estuaries: A Comparative Study. Frontiers in Marine Science 8(1141): 663601
    Lei, J., Yang, L.*, and Zhu, Z.* (2021). Testing the effects of coastal culture on particulate organic matter using absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Cleaner Production 325, 129203.

    prior to 2021
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, Oakes J, Eyre B, Hao Y, Sia ESA, Jiang S, Müller M, Zhang J (2019) The non-conservative distribution pattern of organic matter in Rajang, a tropical river with peatland in its estuary. Biogeosciences. 17, 2473-2485. doi:10.5194/bg-2019-157
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, Wu, H., Liu, S.M., Wu, Y., Huang, D.J., Zhang, j. and Zhang, G.S., 2017. Hypoxia off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and in the adjacent East China Sea: quantitative approaches to estimating the tidal impact and nutrient regeneration. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 125(1-2): 103-114.
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, J. Hu, G.D. Song, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and S.M. Liu, Phytoplankton-driven dark plankton respiration in the hypoxic zone off the Changjiang Estuary, revealed by in vitro incubations. Journal of Marine Systems, 2016. 154, Part A: p. 50-56.
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, Y. Wu, S.M. Liu, F. Wenger, J. Hu, J. Zhang, and R.F. Zhang, Particulate organic matter composition and organic carbon flux in Arctic valley glaciers: examples from the Bayelva River and adjacent Kongsfjorden. Biogeosciences, 2016. 13(18): p. 975-987.
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, S.M. Liu, Y. Wu, Y. Li, J. Zhang, and J. Hu, Phytoplankton Dynamics and Its Further Implication for Particulate Organic Carbon in Surface Waters of a Tropical/Subtropical Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, 2015. 38(3): p. 905-916.
    Zhu, Z. Y.*, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, J. Z. Du, and G. S. Zhang (2014), Reconstruction of anthropogenic eutrophication in the region off the Changjiang Estuary and central Yellow Sea: From decades to centuries, Continental Shelf Research, 72, 152-162.
    Zhu, Z. Y.*, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, T. Dittmar, Y. Li, L. Shao, and Q. Ji (2014), Can primary production contribute non-labile organic matter in the sea: Amino acid enantiomers along the coast south of the Changjiang Estuary in May, Journal of Marine Systems, 129, 343-349.
    Zhu, Z.-Y.*, Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Zhang, Y.-Y., Lin, J. and Liu, S.-M., 2011. Hypoxia off the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary: Oxygen depletion and organic matter decomposition. Marine Chemistry, 125(1-4): 108-116.
    Zhu, Z.Y.*, Ng, W.M., Liu, S.M., Zhang, J., Chen, J.C. and Wu, Y., 2009. Estuarine phytoplankton dynamics and shift of limiting factors: A study in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and adjacent area. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 84: 393-401.
    Zhuo Yi. Zhu*, Jing Zhang, Ying Wu and Jing Lin. Bulk particulate organic carbon in the East China Sea: Tidal influence and bottom transport. 2006. Progress in Oceanography. 69: 37-60.
    Zhu Zhuoyi*, Wu Ying, Zhang Jing, Wei Hao. Spatial and temporal variation of particulate organic carbon in the PN section of East China Sea. 2005. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 24(5):89-99.

    Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Zhang, G.L. and Zhu, Z.Y., 2014. Carbon biogeochemistry in the continuum of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River watersheds across the East China Sea. In: T. Bianchi, M. Allison and W.J. Cai (Editors), Biogeochemical dynamics at major river-coastal interfaces: Linkages with global change. Cambridge University Press, New York, pp. 237-273.
    Zhu Z (2021) Hypoxia. In: Ishizaka J, Kim G, Lee JH, Liu SM, Yu F & Zhang J (eds) Oceanography of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. PICES Science Report No. 62. North Parcific Marine Science Organization, Sidney, Canada. p 121-137

  • 教学工作


  • 软件及专利

    微波消解仪的转子内衬装置;朱卓毅 李月;ZL2022 2 1783073.9
    一种采集中底层水的铅鱼配重装置; 朱卓毅;ZL 2022 2 3367824.1

  • 学术兼职

    中国海洋湖沼学会化学分会 理事,2022-
    中国海洋学会海洋化学分会 委员,2022-
    Frontiers in Marine Science 编辑
    自然资源部大亚湾海洋风险与灾害野外科学观测研究站 副站长

    Geophysical Research Letters
    Limnology and Oceanography
    The Cryosphere
    Science of the Total Environment
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeoscience
    Marine Chemistry

  • 荣誉奖励

    1999 刘翔奖学金
    2007 上海市优秀毕业生
